Ha azt hiszed „spirituálisabb" vegetáriánussá válni, bio ételeket venni, jógázni és meditálni, ugyanakkor azt veszed észre, hogy ítélkezel azok felett, akik nem tesznek így, akkor ego csapdába estél.
Ha azt hiszed „spirituálisabb" biciklivel vagy tömegközlekedéssel munkába járni, majd ítélkezel az autóban ülők fölött, akkor ego csapdába estél.
Ha azt hiszed „spirituálisabb" abbahagyni a TV nézést, mert kitörli az agyad, azonban ítélkezel azok fölött, akik még néznek, akkor ego csapdába estél.
Ha azt hiszed „spirituálisabb" elkerülni az újságolvasást és pletyka magazinokat, de ítélkezel azok fölött, akik még olvassák ezeket, akkor ego csapdába estél.
Ha azt hiszed „spirituálisabb" klasszikus zenét hallgatni, vagy a természet hangjait, de ítélkezel azok fölött, akik kereskedelmi csatornákat hallgatnak, akkor ego csapdába estél.
Légy mindig óvatos a „felsőbbrendűség" érzésével. Ez a legerősebb jele annak, hogy ego csapdába estünk. Az ego rendkívül ravasz módon lapul meg olyan nemes gondolatok mögött, mint vegetáriánus étrendre térni vagy biciklivel közlekedni, amit majd felsőbbrendűség érzéssé alakít azokkal szemben, akik nem követik ugyanazt a spirituális ösvényt.
you think it's more 'spiritual' to become a vegetarian, buy organic
foods, practice yoga and meditate, but then you find yourself judging
those who don't do all these things, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more 'spiritual' riding a bike or public transport at work, but then you're judging those in the car, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more 'spiritual' to stop watching TV because it cancels your brain, but then you're judging those who still look at you, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more 'spiritual' to avoid reading newspapers and gossip magazines, but then you judge those who read them, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more 'spiritual' listening to classical music or sounds of nature, but then you're judging who listens to commercial music, you fell into an ego trap.
You always have to be careful about the feeling of 'superiority.' It is the most important clue we have to realize that we are dealing into an ego trap. The ego is cleverly hidden in noble thoughts like to start a vegetarian diet or use the bicycle and then turn into a sense of superiority towards those who do not follow the same spiritual path."
If you think it's more 'spiritual' riding a bike or public transport at work, but then you're judging those in the car, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more 'spiritual' to stop watching TV because it cancels your brain, but then you're judging those who still look at you, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more 'spiritual' to avoid reading newspapers and gossip magazines, but then you judge those who read them, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more 'spiritual' listening to classical music or sounds of nature, but then you're judging who listens to commercial music, you fell into an ego trap.
You always have to be careful about the feeling of 'superiority.' It is the most important clue we have to realize that we are dealing into an ego trap. The ego is cleverly hidden in noble thoughts like to start a vegetarian diet or use the bicycle and then turn into a sense of superiority towards those who do not follow the same spiritual path."
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